Experimental Fiction

Image by Chris Martin from Pixabay

Many years ago, I completed the Fiction Writing Certificate at the UCLA Extension online. One of the classes I took was in Experimental Fiction. It was meant to teach writers how to think outside the box and ignore the traditional rules. There were few conventions we had to follow, and it was a fun, freeing experience.

It was during this course that I came up with a character I called The Chronicler of Symphonies. My idea was to create an omnipresent voice that oversaw and commented on the lives in the stories I’d created. Not a God or Deity, but the voice of a collective conscious, or perhaps even the higher self of the characters I invented.

As a prologue to each story, the Chronicler would speak through something I called “Prose Snapshots” that were written onto an image meant to convey the essence of the Chronicler’s inner thoughts, as he or she, watched the events of a life on Earth unfold.

I hadn’t looked at the snapshots for some time but finding them again has inspired me to return to this Experimental Fiction project. I’ll start by posting the images to their own category and add the story that belongs to each as I edit and finish them over the coming months.


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