If you’ve never heard of NiAD or haven’t yet particiapted, let me encourage you to give it a try.
Two years ago I participated in my first Novel in a Day, and since then I’ve completed three under my pen name: E. Kinna. On October 10th, 2020, I’ll be participating in my 4th event. I can’t wait to add it to my nifty forum signature!
If you’re unfamiliar with Novel in a Day, it is an annual collaborative writing event supported by the forums at Literature and Latte, the creators of the popular writing software, Scrivener.
That’s right. A whole novel in just one day!
Well, sort of. Everyone who signs up will be writing only one chapter in a novel over a 24 hour period. However, what’s so unique is that each writer will be unaware of the full story until the end. Only the bare minimum of information is given about what is happening in the other chapters. It’s stressful, it’s crazy, but oh so fun!
Each year the NiAD event leader creates a plot outline and issues each participant with the instructions for his/her chapter, including how it should start and finish. If any events or characters are required for continuity with the overall story, you’ll be given that information so you can incorporate those details. Otherwise, you have complete freedom to write whatever you want!
When all the submissions are in, the full novel is published in the Novel in a Day forum section. If there are more writers than chapters, then more than one version of the book will be compiled. The best part of this event is reading the finished version(s) to see how a bunch of talented writers can churn out a great story in just under 24 hours. The creativity of my fellow NiAD writers has been amazing!
The 10th edition of the event is happening on October 10th, 2020. So, head over to the NiAD X forum and check it out!
Happy writing!